Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, 1 Fl oz

(13 customer reviews)





Choose between our legendary Drying Lotion, on-the-spot solution that helps dry up surface blemishes overnight or 12 Patches of our clear adhesive Drying Patch that helps to flatten and dry up pesky problems effectively and quickly, while soothing skin in this irresistible 2-in-1 AM PM Kit.


Effective Spot Treatment Kit for Day or Night

Suggested use

LOTION: Dip swab to the bottom of bottle(DO NOT Shake) and dab on the blemish. PATCH: Apply adhesive on blemish after you cleanse and dry skin.

Additional information

Product Dimensions

2.5 x 2.5 x 2 inches, 2.4 ounces

Item model number

Drying Lotion




Mario Badescu Skin Care Inc.

Country of Origin


13 reviews for Mario Badescu Drying Lotion, 1 Fl oz

  1. London

    It really helped me to at least stop playing with my pimples 🤣

  2. Mary Sidewitz

    This has to be the best kept secret out there. This product really works and will help your skin look amazing!

  3. WAPA710

    This is going to be a long review since I love this product so my apologies in advance. I hope it helps someone.

    Advance Warning – Both of these products have isopropyl alcohol which is *extremely* drying. It works but its possible to end up with irritation like I did. After about 4 days I ended up with a slightly itchy rash. There was no redness but a bunch of tiny bumps. It reminded of contact dermatitis. Fortunately my breakout was done by then. If it happens, don’t freak out. Stop using the product for now. It will go away and it can be covered up by makeup without irritating the skin (be sure to use non-irritating makeup.) It can take up to 2 weeks ago. Mine did. The skin may have a slightly rougher texture for a couple more weeks after that. Exfolation can help. You will be able to use the product again in the future but use it sparingly and only on the areas needed. I think what caused it for me was putting it over the whole area of blemishes and being lazy instead of exactly where the spots were. It might seem like an unpleasant side effect but I really needed to get rid of the breakout that just kept multiplying. It was worth it to me as I think it was my fault for not being more careful. It isn’t guaranteed to happen to you but if it does I wanted to share my experience. It will be ok I promise.

    I bought and use this in conjuction with the Mario Badescu Drying Lotion so I left the same review on both. I use them together based on another reviewer’s suggestion so I can’t rate them separately. That being said, oh my god this totally works. I was seriously blown away. I got a very unpleasant hormonal breakout of papules (blind pimples) on my chin during lady time and whenever I get them they take forever to go away because the infection is so far below the surface. To make matters worse anytime one went away another would show up. I had about 4 in the same spot and they were very painful. I really didn’t want to spend that much on a product but the breakout had been there for weeks with no improvement from anything else I used and I was getting desperate. Below is a product description and how I used them.

    Buffering lotion – This product you can shake before application. Its a very thin, white liquid that’s rated by Badescu as being better for Cystic Acne
    Drying lotion – DO NOT SHAKE. A lot of people have been making comments about how the product settles. Its supposed to and the directions clearly say do not shake it and to use a cotton swab to dip it in the “pink sediment” then apply. This product is rated as being better for whiteheads.

    For my routine I waited until the evening and cleaned my face then applied the buffering lotion to the blemishes with my fingers as the instructions said to do. I waited about a minute until that dried and then used a cotton swab to apply a bit of the drying lotion. I used the products for 5 days just to be sure but I could have stopped at 4. I now have NO blemishes anymore and I’m just working on getting rid of the pigmentation marks. Those I can deal with. I’m extremely happy with this products performance and I highly, highly recommend it.

    Here is a bit on the different types of blemishes because it can be confusing trying to figure out what you have (Correct me if I’m wrong. Its based on my own personal research.)

    Whitehead – Standard, unremarkable. Not inflamed. Just looks like a small spot of pus. Goes away quickly
    Blackhead – Open pore with oxidation causing it to look dark. Not inflamed. (These two products aren’t designed for blackheads so I don’t think it’d work on those.)
    Pustule – Inflamed whitehead. Infection at the surface but there’s a lot of angry redness around the blemish
    Papule – Inflamed whitehead. Infection deep below the surface. Aka blind pimple. Its a closed comedone where the infection can’t reach the surface. These can last weeks. They are hard to the touch and painful.
    Cystic Acne – Large, inflamed acne. It is one of the more severe types. It will feel soft the touch and be large in size. Rupture can cause spreading of the infection and lead to more outbreaks.
    Nodular Cystic Acne – The same as cystic acne but the infection is deeper under the skin and will be hard and painful the touch. Will not rupture but will not go away as Papules eventually do.

    The two types of Cystic Acne will likely need to be treated by a professional if severe. I’m not sure how these two products would work on small, minor Cystic Acne but its worth a try. Based on some of the other reviews this does work if its not very severe and all over the face.

    Note – Before you panic like I did and think your Papules are Nodular Cystic Acne, there is a difference and its size. Physically they feel the same but Papules are 1cm or less where as the Nodular acne is 1-5cm.

    Hope this helps!

  4. MSaints

    Great product. The liquid works overnight and the clear patches actually stick and are pretty unnoticeable. Good value for the amount of product. Definitely a hidden gem.

    For reference: my skin is combination/normal. I have little breakouts and use this for spot blemishes maybe once a week. Doesn’t dry out my skin. My main skincare products are Clinique.

  5. WAPA710

    I get the occasional zit after eating dairy and this product usually dries them up in a couple of days. the sulfur is a strong smell, but if you can get past that, this is good stuff.

  6. Anon

    I’ve been using this lotion for years. My husband and daughter both use it as well too. It helps dry ugly pimples as well as those ones under the surface that you may not see has much but hurt. You simply dip a q-tip in(don’t shake the bottle!) And spot it where you need a pimple to disappear. We use it before bed and you can see a difference when you wake up and wash it off. It doesn’t smell great, I’ll say that. And it can sting depending on the blemish but it’s one of those sweet pains of victory because you know you’re defeating the enemy. I hope they make this forever because I always keep it on hand.

  7. kittenmittens

    This product works… If you get a little blemish here and there it will do the trick and get rid of them quickly. I recommend this product because of the smell, ease of use and how fast it works.

  8. Bridgette Turner

    I put on the product correctly in this order: clean my face, dip a q-tip into the (non shaken clear on top and pink on bottom) product, dab the product on my pimples, then leave it the dry. When it drys, it starts flaking/dusting off, even when I don’t move my face. It looks like it’s snowing in front of my eyes! I even sprayed water on my face to try to help or something. It helped when it was damp, but when it dried, it just started flaking all over again. You may ask.. Does the product actually help? I noticed it somewhat worked the first day I used it. A lot of my “obvious” pimples came to a head or a dry head, which I was excited about. Although the next day it didn’t really do anything. Then I tried again and again and NOTHING HAPPENED. Maybe mine is defective or it really just doesn’t work. Just to let you know when I got the package, the product was shaken up, but I did let it settle and it looked like the picture again. BTW ITS FLAKING FROM MY FACE AS IM WRITING THIS REVIEW!!!!!!!! 😡😤😡😒😕

  9. Laura Delgado

    Ho acquistato questo prodotto su consiglio di mia figlia che era curiosa di capire se davvero funzionasse. Il prodotto arriva nella busta rigida di cartone Amazon chiusa in una bustina di pluriball, integro. Il piccolo flaconcino è di vetro con tappo a vite di plastica. E’ come “diviso” in due parti, sotto una parte rosa più solida, sopra una parte liquida trasparente. IL PRODOTTO NON VA AGITATO per l’utilizzo.
    Come si usa:
    intengere un cotton fioc o un pennellino direttamente sul fondo del flaconcino e prelevare solo una puntina di prodotto, picchiettarlo sull’imperfezione, non sull’intero viso. Poi pulire bene il pennellino e ripetere sulle altre imperfezioni.
    Lo scopo del prodotto:
    far seccare i brufoli: è veramente quello che succede quindi non li fa sparire dalla sera alla mattina, ma messo sull’imperfezione, la fa seccare quindi al mattino, al posto del brufolo infetto, trovarete il segno dello stesso ma sgonfio e senza più il pus. Questo è quello che è successo sia a me, che ho 40 anni e un acne leggero in età adulta, che sulle imperfezioni da pelle adolescenziale di mia figlia.
    La fragranza non mi è piaciuta, è un pò pungente.
    Nella descrizione riporta: formulato con acido salicilico, zolfo e ossido di zinco.
    Lo uso solo quando spunta qualche brufoletto, quindi non ogni giorno e trovo molto bene. Lavo poi accuratamente il viso la mattina seguente.
    Spero di esservi stata utile, grazie per aver letto la mia recensione!

  10. Kelly

    Me pongo esto para los granitos en la noche y me lo dejo hasta la mañana siguiente. Si funciona.

  11. Nicka

    I tried this for the first time on two blemishes and it made one come to a head overnight, and the other seemed to reduce in size (less inflammation). Seems to be working! But if you want a more affordable alternative, calamine lotion should do the same thing for you

  12. London

    La Mario Badescu Lozione ad Azione Essiccante è un prodotto molto apprezzato per il trattamento delle imperfezioni cutanee. Ecco un’analisi approfondita delle sue caratteristiche e benefici:

    Formula e Ingredienti: Questa lozione è formulata con una combinazione di ingredienti efficaci che aiutano a seccare e ridurre le imperfezioni della pelle. Contiene acido salicilico e zinco, noti per le loro proprietà antibatteriche e anti-infiammatorie, che lavorano insieme per accelerare la guarigione e ridurre l’infiammazione.

    Efficacia: La lozione dimostra una notevole efficacia nel trattamento di brufoli e imperfezioni. Applicata direttamente sui punti critici, asciuga le lesioni senza seccare eccessivamente la pelle circostante. I risultati sono visibili in tempi relativamente brevi, con una significativa riduzione della dimensione e dell’infiammazione dei brufoli.

    Applicazione e Uso: Il flacone da 28,3 g è dotato di un’applicazione facile e precisa grazie al suo design in vetro. È consigliabile applicare la lozione direttamente sulla zona interessata utilizzando un cotton fioc, evitando di agitare il flacone per mantenere gli ingredienti separati e garantire una concentrazione ottimale al momento dell’applicazione.

    Packaging: Il flacone di vetro è elegante e funzionale, proteggendo il prodotto dalla contaminazione e garantendo una lunga durata. Anche se il vetro può sembrare fragile, il design contribuisce a mantenere la lozione stabile e sicura.

    Prezzo e Valore: Il prezzo del prodotto è competitivo, considerando l’efficacia e la qualità degli ingredienti. Offre un eccellente rapporto qualità-prezzo per chi cerca una soluzione efficace per il trattamento delle imperfezioni cutanee.

    Conclusione: La Mario Badescu Lozione ad Azione Essiccante è un must-have per chi desidera un trattamento mirato ed efficace per le imperfezioni della pelle. Con una valutazione di 5 stelle su 5, il prodotto si distingue per la sua efficacia, facilità d’uso e buon rapporto qualità-prezzo. È ideale per chi cerca una soluzione rapida e affidabile per migliorare l’aspetto della pelle e trattare i brufoli.

  13. Ji

    Para la gente con granitos esporádicos es una maravilla. Los seca, y no deja marcas♥️

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