According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, at least seven million people in the U.S. and more than 100 million worldwide suffer from this chronic skin disease. This book outlines Dr. Pagano’s natural, drug-free treatment regimen that can alleviate, control, and even heal psoriasis without steroid creams, tar baths, injections, or ultraviolet treatments. Healing Psoriasis outlines a healthy diet and lifestyle and includes case histories, photos, recipes, and a chapter on eczema.
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Amazon Kunde –
Sehr gute Erklärung für die eigenen Sympthome. Bietet einen guten Startpunkt. Meine Mutter hat mich angeschrien ich müsse in die Psychiatrie, als ich verkündete ich vertrage keine Kartoffeln. Ich habe diese Dinge durch probieren selbst herausgefunden. Mein Umfeld war aber leider nicht sehr verständnisvoll, so war ich nach Jahren glücklich solch ein Buch in den Händen zu halten. Leider hätte ich es mir schon 5 Jahre vorher holen sollen. So bin ich mit der Rohkost und besonders mit Obst und auch mit nur Fruchsäften feinstens hingefallen.
Nehmt einfach dieses Buch und Natural Health Diet hinterher und ihr seid auf einem sehr guten Weg. Wenn möglich testet auch noch Allergien auf die Erlaubten Lebensmittel. Ich habe einige weitere Nahrungsmittel und besonders Kräuter, die ich nicht vertage.
Plumtree –
This book has changed my life for the better and I am so thankful to Dr. Pagano!! When I was first diagnosed with Psoriasis in April 2015 I thought my life was over because I had Psoriasis all over my body from head to toes. I thought I could never go out in public. I thought I would never be loved again. I thought I would never be able to wear skirts and short-sleeves again for the rest of my life. To make matters ever worse, my doctors told me that I was likely to be in that state (have Psoriasis all over me) for a long long time, possibly for the rest of my life. Then my doctors suggested that I take cancer drugs. I wept for a long time because I felt utterly hopeless. But after doing some research about Dr. Pagano’s treatment methods I rejected the possibility of taking cancer drugs. Instead, I bought his book and read it voraciously into the night like my life depended on it. Actually, I was itching all over the place so I could hardly get maybe 2 hours of sleep per night anyway so I spent all that time reading his book. 🙂 I read and followed every step of Dr. Pagano’s strict dietary regimen even though I was at times tempted to break off and give up. I fought the urge! I fought off the temptation!. I did my exercises as he had recommended. I ate foods that I normally did not eat. I rejected foods that were bad for me (a.k.a. trigger Psoriasis). I drank 8-10 glasses of water every day. I avoided nightshades, red meat, gluten, sugar, spices, fried foods, processed foods and all kinds of foods that I used to love. I went through a total cleanse of my system. I basically changed my lifestyle, my dietary habits, my way of thinking, and my way of living my life. After 6 months of rigorously following Dr. Pagano’s steps AND using the prescribed cream AND doing phototherapy, I went to see my family doctor and my specialist again for a follow up and let me tell you, they were both AMAZED by my ultra quick recovery! They honestly didn’t think I would have my normal skin again for at least another 3 years or more. But in just 6 months most of my Psoriasis was gone (except for a dot here or a dot there) and it seemed as if somebody had used an eraser on my skin! I still had to do more check ups and phototherapy afterward to ensure that my Psoriasis didn’t flare up again but after 1 year and 2 months I can thankfully say that my skin looks absolutely beautiful and clean these days. I have even received a few compliments on my skin from strangers. When people ask me what I do to have such beautiful skin I smile and say “It has a lot to do with what I eat and don’t eat” but I know there’s A LOT more to that story. 🙂 Anyway, I am definitely healthier and happier than I used to be all thanks to Dr. John Pagano and his lifetime passion of researching Psoriasis and treating patients. Thank you Dr. Pagano! You are a gift to humanity and my personal hero!
Wolfee1 –
I ordered this Book for a Family Member and I didn’t know I was going to read it myself and wanted to write a Review. “Healing Psoriasis: The Natural Alternative” Written by Dr. John Pagano who has Successfully done research on the Natural Healing of Psoriasis and Eczema (Dermatitis). Dr. Pagano believes with Proper Diet, Internal Cleansing, Posture, Attitude and the Power of the Human Body to be able to remove all the Toxins that causes Psoriasis. There are many Chapters in the Book, from: Psoriasis: The inside Story, Does the Regimen Works?, The Natural Alternative, Diet and Nutrition, Cases of Eczema, Achieving the Goal, many more Chapters and also Menu Plans and Recipes.
Many Patients that Dr. Pagano has cured through the years give us their Testimonials and a Photographic Portfolio, with Pictures in Black and White of the Patients and some Classic Types of Psoriasis Cases treated Successfully by following a Natural Alternative Approach to the Disease. Dr. Pagano gives a List of all the Foods to Avoid, a very long List and the Foods that People affected with this disease should Eat. The Dr. shows you: Effective Cleansing Measures, The High Colonic Irrigation, The Three-Day Apple Diet and the Alternatives for those who cannot tolerate Apples or are Allergic to them, The Importance of Water, Alkaline Formers versus Acid Formers …and so many more Items Described in Detail for the Psoriatic Patient to Follow
Beware of The Nightshades! Dr. Pagano Warns Patients to avoid all the Nightshades, it is very Important to stay away from Tomatoes, Tobacco, Eggplants, White Potatoes, Peppers (except the Spice Black Pepper) and Paprika among others. He shows you in Detail the reason why some of these Vegetables are the Enemy, to avoid White Bread and other Products made with White Flour like Pasta and use only Whole Wheat Breads and also Pasta made with the Same Whole Wheat Grains, To Consume only Brown or Wild Rice instead of White Rice and never Fried. Many of these Suggestions we already knew, they were not good for us and especially for the Psoriatic Patient. He also explains in detail which Sweets and Artificial Sweeteners to avoid and Beverages: Fruit and Vegetable Juices, Coffee, Herbal Teas, Milk, Soda, Alcoholic Beverages among others
Dr. John Pagano Healing Psoriasis shows you how to say goodbye to the Pain, Scales and Itching of Psoriasis without taking Drugs, Steroid Creams, Tar Baths or Ultraviolet Treatments. In this Book, the Patient will discover how to Alleviate, Control and even Heal this agonizing Condition without Dangerous Drugs or Treatments. Healing Psoriasis is a very informative Book with revealing case studies and incredible before and after photos and how this Disease must be viewed from the inside out with Diet, Step-by-Step Regimen, Detoxification and Attitude to Get Well Naturally. A very Strict Diet Plan, I personally don’t know if I could Stick to It. However, that all depends in your overall Eating Habits, the Strong Necessity of Getting Well, in better Shape and Look your Best! …Thank You D.D.
Um Ali –
Arun V A –
It touches all the parts deeply like spinal adjustments.following the method , suffron tea and slippery elm definitly cure psoriyasis
Deena –
Motivational I’m going to give it a go. I’ve heard others have experienced great success with this book. Most valuable is ch 6
Juliefromiowa –
I have suffered from severe scalp psoriasis for 14 years. I have very think brunette hair, making my scalp particularly hard to treat. After trying every medicine under the sun, both prescription and over the counter, the only thing that ever worked for me were injections. I was on Enbrel from 2009-2011 and then Stelara from 2011-2013.
When I decided to get pregnant, I had to stop all of my meds. Pregnancy kept my symptoms relatively at bay, but postpartum, my skin erupted, and fast. I had lesions in places I’d never seen them before. 90% of my scalp had thick lesions and perhaps worse, I had 4″ lesions around my nipples, making it very difficult and uncomfortable to breastfeed.
I came across this book on Amazon while shopping for alternative treatments. Due to the compelling reviews, I figured I’d give it a shot. I followed the system nearly to a “t” for the first 3 weeks. I did not do any hydrotherapy or home enemas, but I did a 2-day apple cleanse, cut out all sugar, white flour, nightshades and coffee, and began a regime of Slippery Elm Bark tea in the mornings and lemon water throughout the day. Since then, I have stayed 100% off nightshades but have reintroduced very limited quantities of white flour, sugar and decaf black coffee.
Within one week the lesions on my nipples were 90% gone. Within two weeks, the lesions on my body started to fade. Within four weeks, 75% of my body lesions were gone. As of today, which has been about 5 weeks since I started the regime, my scalp and body are 95% clear. I am honestly in a state of shock. I feel like telling everyone I know about Pagano’s theories.
A couple notes:
** I found sea salt baths to be helpful as my body healed itself. Pagano recommends epsom salt baths (using 4 pounds of salt!), but I had read about people having success with Pink Himalayan Sea Salt, so I tried that instead. SF Salt sells it for a really great price.
** I used a topical prescription treatment to help speed things along (Clobex spray), but I plan to stop using it in the next week or so as I get closer to 100% clear.
** I found Burt’s Bees Miracle Salve to be a great product for my nipples. I had to avoid all medications in that area due to breastfeeding.
** I discovered that my baby’s Burt’s Bees Baby Shampoo & Wash worked really well for my hair and scalp. Plus it smells delicious. I have since switched to the adult version of Burt’s Bees Shampoo and think the gentle formula has been a welcome change for my scalp as it heals.
** Pagano recommends a pretty large list of supplements. I couldn’t commit to the whole list due to personal preference and breastfeeding, but I have been taking 1000mg Flaxseed Oil, 200mg Milk Thistle, a pre/post-natal multi-vitamin (contains Zinc and Vitamin A), and 100mg Colace (stool softener). Instead of taking an additional 1000mg of Fish Oil, I’ve just been making it a point to each fish at least 4 days a week.
To anyone considering trying Pagano’s ‘diet’, I urge you to not be afraid of what seems like an overwhelming list of ‘to-do’s’ and ‘not-to-do’s’. I have found the diet very easy to follow and actually quite fulfilling. It’s been nice to be cooking again and eating more healthy foods. Pizza has been hard to give up, but when your skin clears up like mine did, you won’t feel too bad about missing out on a slice. Seeing amazing results sure makes the regime seem a lot easier to execute.
I am so grateful for discovering this book and I encourage you to try it if you’re a psoriasis sufferer.
*I am a real person who actually bought this book on Amazon and have not been compensated for this review.*